Melbourne based Women at Work Painters

Providing High Quality & Friendly Service

Suburb: Balwyn, Melbourne | Services: Exterior House Painting

This is a dual occ in Balwyn that hadn’t been maintained for years.

Our client who lives in Tasmania was concerned that he’d let it go too far.

Another painter had been there about a month prior to quoting to paint a rear extension and the areas painted could only be described as rough at best and were already peeling.

After the inspection we advised our client that he needed a renderer to repair a large crack in a wall and for another trade to repair the leaking of the portico ceiling which he organised.

To bring this property back to life we stripped most of the old sash windows prior to oil undercoating and painting. The client wanted us to paint over rot in the windows however when we stripped the paint it was evident there was no timber in a couple of the sills and some timber work had to be replaced. Fortunately we knew someone and he was able to do this quickly.

As there was lead paint present in the windows we followed our lead paint protocols.

We sent alot of photos to our client so he was kept updated with the preparation, timber rot issues, repairs and the final finish. This saved him having to travel to Melbourne to check everything.

The windows were stripped using Peelaway mainly and a heat gun on low heat to finish off as required. We stripped some areas the previous painter had just painted over and electric sanded the rest.

Our client was very happy with the result as it was much better than he thought possible and he has now been able to rent it out.


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